Achieving a High Quality Wood Finish - part 02
Favorite furniture
woods are maple and cherry, both have a nice figure, are easy to machine, and
cherry has a wonderful fruity smell when cut. Maple has a couple of advantages
over cherry. Nicely figured maple is easier to find and less expensive, and
since it has a similar grain pattern, properly stained maple is almost
indistinguishable from cherry, but, both cherry and maple have a reputation for
being difficult to finish.
Cherry and maple do
not stain evenly. Their highly prized figure results from end grain that rises
to the face of the board in irregular patterns. Most finishers attempt to stain
cherry and maple using pigment stains, but because end grain soaks up pigment
much more rapidly than does face grain, the result is blotchy, uneven color.
Cherry has an additional finishing downside: even if you successfully achieve a
uniform deep red color with stain, it will not last. Cherry darkens with age,
stained cherry may eventually become too dark. The only way to achieve a true
deep red cherry color without any chance of the wood becoming too dark is to
let it darken naturally. This may take several years, however, and most of us
are unwilling to wait that long. Your alternatives, then, are to stain it
anyway and take your chances or use maple stained to look like cherry.
Whichever you choose, the following finishing steps should give good results.
Preparing the wood
If you decide to use
a power sander, I highly recommend a random-orbit sander because, unlike a belt
or vibrating sander, it does not leave a noticeable scratch pattern. Again, you
do not need to apply pressure. The weight of the tool is sufficient.
Using dye stains
To get around the
problem of uneven pigment stain absorption, use dye stains instead. The
difference is important. Pigment stains are composed of tiny opaque particles
of color suspended in liquid. When applied to the wood, these particles lodge
in pores and scratches, and the open ends of end grain where they are sucked up
by capillary action, resulting in a blotchy appearance. Pigment stains also
highlight sanding mistakes and obscure, rather than enhance the figure of the
Dye stains, on the
other hand, are completely dissolved in liquid and therefore can soak directly
into the cells of the wood, coloring the entire surface evenly. Dye stains even
out flaws in the color of the wood, hide sanding mistakes, and, because they
are translucent, bring out the figure.
There are three kinds
of dye stains: water-based, alcohol-based, and oil-based. I use water-based dye
stains for a three reasons. First, they are easier to find and come in a wider
variety of colors. Second, they are less prone to fading in bright light.
Third, the solvent is cheap: distilled water is about a dollar per gallon, and
tap water can be used in a pinch. The only downside to water-based dye stains
is that they require an extra sanding step because they tend to raise the grain
of the wood. Other than that, all three types perform identically, so I’ll
confine my discussion to water-based dye stains.
Raising the grain
Water soaks into the
wood and swells the fibers, resulting in fine "whiskers" on an
otherwise perfectly sanded surface. It is necessary, therefore, to deliberately
raise the grain of the wood and sand off the whiskers before applying
water-based dyes. To do this, simply take a clean sponge or rag soaked in warm
water, wet the surface of the wood, and let it dry. Once the wood dries lightly
sand off the raised whiskers with 320 grit sandpaper, sand only enough to
remove the whiskers; too much sanding will cut through to the un-raised grain
underneath, defeating the purpose. Remember to use a sanding block on flat
surfaces. Repeat this process a couple of times. By the third wetting you
should feel no more raised grain.
Choosing the Color
Dye stains come in a
variety of colors, usually as powder in one-ounce bottles, and are easy to
blend. It is hard to tell from the color of the powder or a chart what the dye
will look like on your project, so while you’re at the store moisten a finger and
stick it in the powder and wipe it on a sample of your wood or slip of paper.
Find a couple of colors that look close, then a couple more at the extremes of
the range you are interested in. For example, I like a deep orange-red mahogany
color so I’ll choose "dark mahogany" or "cherry mahogany"
for starters, and then get something really yellow in case the others are too
red and something really red in case they are too yellow.
Mixing the Dye
There are two ways to
mix dyes. You can mix them together in a single batch to get the color you
want, or you can blend them by successive applications on your work. Since
you’re going to apply several coats of dye anyway, and since it’s difficult to
duplicate a mixture, I recommend blending them on the work.
To experiment,
collect and finish-sand some left over wood from your project. If you are
refinishing an existing piece, experiment on a concealed area. Mix about 1/8
tsp of dye per cup of water and try different combinations. The dye will look
dull when it dries so wet the surface with some mineral spirits to get an idea
of the finished result. When you are satisfied with the color, record the
sequence of dyes you used.
Applying the Dye
Thoroughly mix about 1/2 oz (1/2 bottle) of dye per quart of
hot (not boiling) distilled water, wet the wood with the dye then wipe off the
excess with a dry rag to help ensure even coverage and minimize excessive
penetration. Even though dyes will not blotch like pigments, leaving the wood
wet will result in uneven color. Let the surface dry. If any additional
grain-raising occurs, remove the whiskers by sanding very lightly with 400 grit
Some finishers skip
the grain-raising step discussed earlier and let the dye raise the grain. The
danger here is that sanding raised grain at this point may cut through the
color. Though this can be remedied with successive applications of dye, the
result will be an uneven appearance. Therefore, I recommend keeping the two
steps separate.
written by Paul Koch